Relationship Coaching In Santa Monica

Do you miss the old way you felt about your partner?

  • Do you want to feel more emotionally connected and invested in your relationship?

  • Do you wish there was a way to enroll your partner to grow with you?

  • Have you ever looked back on your relationship and realized that you miss those early days when things were easy?

  • Have you found yourself telling your friends that you want more and your partner isn’t willing or interested?

Coaching helps you learn the tools you need to help your relationship flourish!

Learn how to:

  • Have tough conversations

  • Share resentments, in a way that allows your partner to really hear them, maybe for the first time.

  • Find new ways to express your needs, wants, and desires and invite your partner to join you

  • Learn how to own your faults in a way that empowers you to start your healing journey

  • Learn what you do that helps your partner feel loved, learn what you do that takes away from that feeling.

  • Ask for and give feedback in a non-threatening and loving way.

  • Explore all aspects of intimacy, not just sexual but emotional, intellectual, and spiritual (whatever that means for you two).

  • And so much more.

I am passionate about sharing the tools and helping others have more fulfilling relationships. I am based in Santa Monica CA and see clients from all over the US.

book a 15 minute no pressure call to see if we are a good fit for each other. I provide relationship coaching in Santa Monica and around the globe via zoom.

Stephen Bickle Relationship Coach Santa Monica

A little about me:

After struggling with the idea that my marriage was failing I set out to figure out what breaks down relationships and what helps build them back up. I’ve spent years researching what went wrong and more importantly collecting tools and resources to help other couples rekindle their own relationships. I live and coach in Santa Monica and thanks to the nature of of zoom now see clients all over the US.

I am FRCA Certified to provide relationship coaching and specialize in helping couples just like you break free of old patterns and learn how to build a healthy new relationship.


  • My partner and I have been together for a little over 3 years and just had a son together. We were faced with challenges in our relationship that I did not think would be an issue. Thanks to Stepehen, we were given tools to create a strong foundation and navigate being new parents with one another. Thank you for helping us chart a course!!

    Kevin B.

  • My wife and I had the pleasure of working with Stephen. From his intuition and patience to his bedside manner and thoughtfulness, he was just wonderful. Any couple can benefit working with him.

    David C.

What is Relationship Coaching?

How can it help?

Relationship coaching is a specialized form of personal development that focuses on helping couples enhance their partnership through effective communication, mutual understanding, and shared goals. Unlike traditional therapy, which often delves into past traumas and emotional healing, relationship coaching is action-oriented and forward-looking. It's about empowering both partners to build a more fulfilling and harmonious life together by harnessing their collective strengths and addressing any challenges as a united team. I provide Relationship Coaching in Santa Monica but the magic of zoom allows me to help couples all over the US.

How is Relationship Coaching Different from Couples Therapy or Counseling?

While couples therapy and counseling often focus on resolving deep-seated emotional issues and conflicts, relationship coaching takes a more proactive and strategic approach. It is ideal for couples who may not necessarily be struggling but want to improve their relationship dynamics and ensure long-term success. Coaches work alongside couples to develop skills and strategies for better teamwork, goal setting, and conflict resolution, making it a practical option for those looking to enhance their relationship without the intensity of traditional therapy.

Is Relationship Coaching Right for Us?

If you and your partner are looking to strengthen your partnership, communicate more effectively, heal resentments, or simply want to grow closer together, relationship coaching could be a perfect fit. It's suitable for couples at any stage of their relationship who are committed to making progress and prefer a structured, goal-oriented approach to improving their dynamic. Whether you're navigating a specific challenge or just keen to maximize your relationship's potential, a relationship coach can provide you with the tools and support to achieve your goals as a team. You don’t have to live in Santa Monica, all sessions are Zoom so you and your partner don’t even have to be in the same place at the same time… Lunch break sessions are great!

How Coaching Works

  • Healing Resentments

    Phase I - Healing Resentments

    Learn how to talk about, process, and heal old resentments against each other. This is the foundational step that opens the door for reconnection. There is no way to be friends let alone feel safe and connected when either partner is holding on to resentments towards the other.

  • Tools for a better relationship

    Phase II - Learning The Tools

    Learning to be a good partner means learning new skills, tools, and techniques. These are the things that are never taught to us growing up. Learn how to share power, have intimate conversations, build trust and connection, and navigate the inevitable conflicts with compassion love.

  • Amazing relationships

    Phase III - Filling Love Buckets

    Loving someone means learning how they feel loved and doing more of that, it also helps to learn what takes away from that feeling of being loved and learning to do less of that too. You will learn how to express your love in a way that your partner feels it and learn how to discuss ways to get better at it.