Should I get divorced?
Learn how to start asking the right questions. Should I get divorced is asking someone else their opinion on action you should take. What can I do to have a better marriage is a much better way to find what you are looking for.
What is intimacy anyways?
Most people think intimacy is about sex, or feeling secure… Learning how you and your partner define intimacy will help you connect on a much deeper level than every before.
Bring on the Spring!
How our actions can change the weather and we can do the work to escape the cold winter months of our relationship and find our way back to sunnier days!
Grow with me
This is your invitation to grow! Learn how to get your needs met by growing and upping your relationship game!
Nice guys finish last!?
Strive to be a great guy, not a nice guy and your relationships will flourish!
3 Steps to prevent expectations from becoming resentments
Expectations are preplanned resentments, find out how to acknowledge them, communicate, and heal from them.
Book Review: “Total Marriage Refresh” by Dr. Wyatt Fisher
Dr. Wyatt Fisher does an amazing job in this book of explaining the basics of how relationships fail and provides practical tools to help couples get back on track.
I want more…
“I want more…” Is the start of a great conversation with your partner. What is missing from the relationship for you and what is missing for them? Learning how to meet our partners needs is one of the fastest ways to get our own needs met and build a more robust and conneted relationship.